Marketing assistant
“I am glad for this opportunity to work in my field and develop myself in marketing. Furthermore, contrary to the more calm and slow winter period, summers at Prangli Travel are always full of different events and tasks, so you never know in the morning what the day may bring. And you know, I have the coolest and craziest tour guides as my co-workers. Who else would be better to have your morning coffee with in Prangli harbour, or go exploring if not with them?
My heart starts beating faster when I get a chance to go to the nature and listen to the silence and stillness of the surroundings. Prangli Island allows me to experience a sense of contentment and fulfillment, so that I always wish to stay longer.”
Others about Jane:
“Although Jane has lived in Tallinn as well as abroad, the small Prangli Island with its sandy beaches and soothing winds is still close to her heart thanks to her childhood visits to her grandma who lives on the island. Whether she is in Prangli or on the mainland, Jane is full of “Let’s do this” attitude and contributes to the company in many ways, keeping it constantly growing.“
“Besides her marketing studies in Tallinn University of Technology, Jane contributes to our company through developing our marketing strategies and helping to organise summer events. She is passionate about theatre and music and her eyes light up when she sees the first actors for the Prangli summer theatre performances arriving by boat to the island. She cares about Prangli island. Furthermore, in addition to her talent for music and culture, Jane is also practical and systematic. As her grandmother is an islander herself, it seems that if you look close enough, everyone on Prangli is somehow related to Jane.”
“Jane is the sunshine in our team without who it is impossible to start the morning. She is helpful while always having her two feet on the ground.“
“Jane is always hard-working and keeping the mood up“
“She is kind, helpful and full of positive attitude. For tour guides going to Prangli, she creates a safe place and without her the team would be in trouble.“
“Always smiling, Jane makes everyone’s day.“
“Extremely friendly and awfully helpful even when the task is not part of her job. She is a patriot of Prangli Island who knows everything and everyone. She knows how to make the most out of her island.”